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Judicial response in Digital Age: Cyber Laws, Appreciation and Handling of Digital Evidence
Environmental programme on the theme form Trash to Treasure Sustainable Solution for our Future
Programme on women’s Right to Equality in Matrilineal Societies under the Indian Constitution
Orientation Programme on New Criminal Laws for Police Officers
One Day Orientation Programme for the Legal Aid Defense Counsels
Sustainable Environment for a sustainable world
Symposium on 'Maintenance of Professional Ethics in Judiciary and Exploring New Boundaries in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)'
2- days Orientation Programme on New Criminal Laws
2- days Orientation Programme on New Criminal Laws
Diagnosing Road Traffic Accidents & Sustainable Mobility
3- days Training programme on Legal, Psychosocial and Mental Health consideration in Juvenile Justice for Judicial Officers of Meghalaya
An Orientation programme on Forest and Wildlife conservation laws for the Judiciary in Meghalaya in Collaboration with WWF
Training Programme on Cyber Forensic in collaboration with CDAC
Training Programme on Strengthening the Juvenile Justice System with emphasis on understanding the psychology of a child
Strengthening of Police Investigation and Prosecution
Cleaning Drive, 2023
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act
Protection of Children from Sexual Offence Act, 2015
Motor Vehicles Amendment Rules, 2022
Sensitisation Programme on "Gender Justice & The Indian Legal System" & "Issues of Gender Disparity in the Matrilineal System in Meghalaya"
Workshop on "Legal Aid and the Juvenile Justice System"
Enforcement & Adjudication of IPR
Sensitisation programme on Gender Justice and the Indian Legal System and Issues of Gender disparity in the Matrilineal System in Meghalaya
ECT-06-2022 Digitisation (Mawkyrwat, Nongstoin & Mairang)
ECT-06-2022 Digitisation (Jaintia Hills District)
ECT-06-2022 Digitisation (Garo Hills District)
ECT-06-2022 Digitisation (Shillong & Nongpoh)
ICT & eCourt Induction Programme for the Newly Recruited Civil Judge Junior Division
Constitution Day
e-committee Special Drive and Outreach Programme for advocates/ Advocate Clerk at District Headquaters
e-committee Special Drive and Outreach Programme for advocates/ Advocate Clerk at District Headquaters
Hardware & Software Maintenance, Data Replication, Data Monitoring, V C Equipment, Lan Connection, etc (ECT-10-2022)
Hardware & Software Maintenance, Data Replication, Data Monitoring, V C Equipment, LAN Connection, etc (ECT-10-2022)
Preliminary Assessment and Implementation of Section 15 of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
e-committee Special Drive and Outreach Programme for advocates/ Advocate Clerk at District Headquaters District & Sessions Court Jowai
e-committee Special Drive and Outreach Programme for advocates/ Advocate Clerk at District Headquaters District & Sessions Court Nongstoin
e-committee Special Drive and Outreach Programme for advocates/ Advocate Clerk at District Headquaters District & Sessions Court Khliehriat
e-committee Special Drive and Outreach Programme for advocates/ Advocate Clerk at District Headquaters District & Sessions Court Nongpoh
International Day of Yoga Yoga for Humanity
An Orientation Programme on Forest and Wildlife Conservation Laws for the Judiciary in Meghalaya
Refresher Programme for Registry Staff of High Court
Refresher Course Training Programme on National Service and Tracking of Electronic Processes (NSTEP)
e-committee Special Drive and Outreach Programme for Advocates / Advocate Clerk
e-committee Special Drive and Outreach Programme for Advocates / Advocate Clerk
Master Trainer Programme for New Master Tainers under the e-committee Special Drive and Outreach Programme
Sensitization programme on Medico-Legal Jurisprudence for Judicial Officers, Police Officers and Doctors
One day online Workshop on the subject "Cyber Law and the Latest Trends in Cyber Crime"
Panel Discussion on Equality before the Law and Equal Protection of the Laws
Moot Court Competition
Adjudication of Cases under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
Online Workshop on ‘Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881’
Online Training programme on ‘Speedy and Qualitative Disposal of Civil and Criminal Cases & Improvement of Court Performance’
Training programme on NDPS: Narcotics and Psychotropic substances and qualitative of NDPS cases.
Seminar on Domestic violence: A silent prevailing factor in domestic household governed by customary laws of Marriage.
Refreshers Course for Grade III Judicial Officers
Panel discussion on Land Transfer and regulation Act 1971 and Its Applicability.
Refresher & Enrichment Course for Judicial Officers Grade II-III (Civil and Criminal)Judicial Officers
Judicial Colloquium on Anti-Human Trafficking
Training programme on eFiling and eCourt
eWorkshop on Child Psychology, Child behaviour, health issues etc., with special reference to POCSO Act 2012
Training Programme on eFiling and eCourts Services
Application of Procedural Law before District Council Courts- Refresher Course
Webinar on IPR enforcement
Webinar on ‘Trends in Technology and Cyber Crimes’
Deliberation for comprehensive review of criminal Laws
Trainning Programme on Victim Compensation Scheme
Judicial Colloquium on ‘The Role of Law Enforcement in Combating Human Trafficking’
Role of Prosecution in Criminal Justice System
Training Programme on National Service and tracking of electronic Process
Mediation training programme for Referral Judges
Seminar on District Council Courts
Conference on Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
Training Programme on CIS V. 3.0
Training Programme on Income Tax and Goods and Services Tax
Training Programme on Budget, Meghalaya Financial, Frs/Srs, Initial Pay Slip, Pension, DFP Rules 2006
Seminar on Mental Health
Seminar on Property Rights and Customary Practices within the Tribes of Meghalaya
Judicial Colliquium on “Anti Human Trafficking”
Training Programme on the use of video conferencing
Special training programme on Practice procedure for dealing with matrimonial disputes with special emphasis on the Matrilineal system in the state of Meghalaya
Workshop on Effective Investigation and proper coordination between Police and Prosecution
Seminar on Emerging trends in Cyber Law and Crimes
Seminar on Dorbar Shnong as an Institution of Local Self Government
Equality, Social Change & Social Justice: Contribution of Courts
Mediation of Family Dispute and the Role of Maternal Uncle in settling family dispute withih the Khasi, Jaintia & Garo Household
Third Phase : Training on Ubuntu, CIS and NJDG
Second Phase : Training on Ubuntu, CIS and NJDG
First Phase : Training on Ubuntu, CIS and NJDG
Joint Session on Ubuntu, CIS and NJDG
Refresher Course on Adoption
Seminar on 'Ethics of a Law Professional'
Panel discussion on " Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism"
Seminar on Land Laws in the State of Meghalaya
Seminar on " State Municipal Laws - Normal Shillong and Shillong Administrered Area".
Workshop on " Domestic Violence matters with special reference to Matrilineal Society of Meghalaya
Video Conference on "Tele Evidence - Prospects and Challenges"
Conference on Customary Law relating to Family Matters in different Tribes in the State of Meghalaya
Special Training Programme on " Fundemental Rules and Subsidiary Rules including Financial Rules".
Workshop on 'Time and Stress Management'
Seminar on the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India
Foundation Stone
Cleaning Drive
Republic Day
Constitution Day
Useful Links
Former Judge-in-Charge & Directors
Officers & Staff
Library Facilities
Notice dated 11.01.2023 w.r.t list of eligible applicants to appear for personal interview for the post of Vice Chancellor, National Law University of Meghalaya
Indian Judiciary Annual Report 2020-21
Notification No HCM.II/28/2015-Estt/1791-A dated 30th May 2016
Notification No HCM.II/28/2015-Estt/1388-A dated 4th May 2016